
This highly acclaimed BBC series follows the fortunes of the aristocratic Lacey family, living peacefully in Arnescote Castle until the onset of the English Civil War in 1640. Sir Martin Lacey, the patrician head of the house, is steadfastly loyal to the King. However the family is torn apart when his eldest daughter Anne weds John Fletcher, the idealistic son of a merchant family who support the forces of Oliver Cromwell. A fascinating portrayal of a noble family torn apart during a civil war that divided loyalists in support of King Charles I and parliamentarians supporting Cromwell, BY THE SWORD DIVIDED is a lavish production that has drawn comparisons to another top-rating BBC historical drama, Poldark. This stunning DVD presentation includes the entire Series One, all ten feature- length episodes on 4 discs. …By the Sword Divided – Season One – 4-DVD Set ( By the Sword Divided – Season 1 )


This is a terrific series on the English Civil War, told through the eyes of members of two families. The cast is top notch, the writing is great, and the costumes are superb. Hair is on point for the period, especially  for the women. The choreography for the swordfights is astonishing, as is the staging for the battle scenes all before CGI. This first series set is on four Dvds and is in region one for US DVD players.


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